Managing Staff User Accounts

Staff user accounts are managed either by the staff account owner, or by supervisor roles or higher for an organization and enterprise.

My Account Management

Staff users can manage their own account after logging in using the "My Account" drop down in the top right of the top navigation bar. Available options are Staff Availability, Account Settings, Supervision Plan (coming winter 2024), and Supervision Sessions.

Staff Availability: Staff may manage their one-time or recurring availability from the Staff Availability page. This may also be managed using the calendar service.

Account Settings: Staff may manage their name, account email, password, and address from the accounting settings page.

Supervision Plan: Coming Winter 2024

Supervision Sessions: Staff may access any supervision sessions they participated in as the supervisee with any supervisor from the Supervision Sessions page.

Supervisors and administrators can manage staff member accounts from the Supervision Functions sections of the side bar navigation after logging in. Here, users can set existing staff accounts to active (can access the platform) or inactive (cannot access the platform). Users may also select the edit option for a given staff user to update their account and staff profile settings, including role and primary supervisor from the edit staff account page.

Supervisors and administrators may also create new staff users accounts from the Organization Staff page. This can be done by selecting the "Add New Staff Member" button at the top of the staff table list. Users can provide staff profile information, including credentialing, user role, and primary supervisor at the time of adding a new staff user. If telerecovery is used by your organization, adding a new staff member will also provision a telerecovery number upon save of the new staff member account.

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