Platform Role Access and Permissions
RecoveryLink user access is best understood as either internal staff users OR external users. Each of these user types and their available permissions is described below:
Internal User Types:
- Volunteer: Volunteer users have the least amount of access to the RecoveryLink application. They are able to access their assigned participants, but do not have access to the listing of all participants at an organization. They have access to all applicable microservices and features, aligned with peer staff, except for this one key difference of not being able to access all participants.
- Peer Staff: The primary staff user type for most RecoveryLink customers, peer staff have full access to their assigned participants, the ability to see and take action on all participants at an organization even when not assigned to them via the All Participants list, full access to all available microservices and features including calendars and appointments, referral network, notification and task hub, activity logs, and analytic dashboards.
- Supervisor: Supervisors inherit the same permissions as peer staff, and also have access to full supervisor functions for their organization. This includes the ability to edit staff user accounts, create new staff user accounts, perform individual and group supervision sessions, and create supervision plans. Supervisors also have the ability to review analytic dashboards and use the reporting application.
- Organization Administrator: Organization administrators inherit the same permissions as supervisors, and also have access to administrative management functions for their organization. This includes the ability to manage organizational details, program IDs and service locations available for their organization's staff to utilize.
- Enterprise Administrator: Enterprise administrators inherit the same permissions as organization administrators, and also have access to enterprise administrative functions for their enterprise. This includes the ability to manage enterprise details, available service organizations, and fully customize the enterprises instance of RecoveryLink via the customization engine.
External User Types:
- Referral Entity Partner Administrator: This user is the administrative manager for the referral entity profile within the RecoveryLink closed loop referral system. This allows the user to confirm and/or manage details of the referral partner entity, including adding new service locations that may accept referrals, adding new entity partner provider users, and managing referrals received from RecoveryLink customers and their associated staff users.
- Referral Entity Partner Provider: This user is a general user who may accept and manage referrals made to their associated Referral Entity Partner. This allows the user to accept, reject, and provide updates to any referral made to their entity within the RecoveryLink referral network.
- Participant: Participant users are those receiving services from a RecoveryLink customer provider. Participants exist only once within the RecoveryLink application and may receive services from any provider using the RecoveryLink application. Participants have the ability, as applicable, to update their profiles, schedule appointments, complete tasks, review notifications, sign documents, complete assessments, choose to share their participant record with another RecoveryLink provider, and update referrals they receive.